Monday, September 10, 2018

Geography of Middengard

The World of Middengard is separated into a series of continents and large islands. In the very north is a string of islands known as Nuethinisi'n. They are a land of ice, where few survive.

Southwest of the islands, though still in the north is the continent of Clannthea, where the men live as warriors, the women as slaves. But this is also where the Cuhnoni, the great wolves that bond with Myende girls, originate.

Southeast of Clannthea lies Annea, the continent that was locked away when Egaonsae'n (the terror of the deep) was created when the void was sealed. Annea is separated into three nations. In the North is the land of Dumaira, where the Fremde originated. Originally, the land had four great forests: Fremon, Fremtey, Fremusi, and Fremfuer. Fremtey was where the void was placed and abandoned by the Fremde in ages past. Once the void was sealed much of the land there fell away and only a small forest remains. This is where Oi'Curahnce Wuduleofiu'n, the disease of the spirit trees, originated. The disease spread to the northern forest of Fremusi, which was abandoned by the Fremde by the time of the telling of this tale.
There are several noteworthy cities in Dumaira: Syrilna, which resides on the outskirts of the old forest of Fremtey; Mundeaster, the city known as the last refuge of pure Munde in Dumaira; Myencutun, the lesser city of magic in the north of Dumaira that protects Nuethus Geradahnge, the great school of magic in the north; and Abri, the port city in Dumaira.
Dumaira is separated from the rest of Annea by a mountain range known as Cwildbeorg, the mountain of death.
To the south of Cwildbeorg is the land of Myencihn. Myencihn is separated into thirteen lands, the greatest of these is Casariuhof'n, the Emperor's garden. The rest of Myencihn is held by the great houses of the Elite: Teyuhus'n, Usiuhus'n, Fueruhus'n, Fifuhus'n, Sheyuhus'n, Sethuhus'n, Cisuhus'n, Navuhus'n, Teinuhus'n, Teinmonuhus'n, Teinteyuhus'n, and Teinusiuhus'n.
South lies a great forest known as Wudui'n Rhaciu, the forest of Snakes. The forest protects the land of Denu'n Rhaciu, the Valley of Snakes.

Southwest of Annea lies the large island of Navesyn, which contains an old volcano. The inhabitants of Navesyn believe magic is not real.

To the Southeast of Annea lies the island of Inis'n Rhaciu, where those bonded with snakes originated.

To the very south lies the land Puethion'n, a continent of Deserts. This continent is where the Fremdefyr and the Sotarafahni (genies) originate.

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