Monday, September 10, 2018

The Races on Middengard

Middengard is inhabited by several races. They are as follows;

The original race of beings upon Middengard. They are also known as the Fremdeleof (Fremde of the heart). That are very tall willowy folk, much like tall trees. They have pointed ears, and it would be said in later times that they had the ears of the fox, and the heart of the wolf. Family is of the utmost importance to the Fremde, like the wolf. And like the fox, they can be cunning, observant, adaptable, sure-footed, and quick in thought and action. Vasdaefu (Father of all) comes from the Fremde.

There is only one, a fremdaoghe (female fremdeoghe) by the name of Mara, one of the original three who asked the guardian for help to save her world.

Descended from the Fremde Mearganta, these are blue, and their feet turn to fishes tails when they enter the water. They all have gills and can breathe in or out of water.
A male Fremdesae is known as a fremdosae, and is descended from a dolphin, who strove to keep Mearganta out of trouble. The guardian of water changed him into the first fremdosae when he agreed to care for her. Fremdosai (Fremdesae men) are very virile and strong. They are known as keepers of the sacred breath of life. They contain nipples within their necks, and can suckle or breathe for any race. Their milk is healing and provide whatever the one suckling needs. Because of their great strength, fremdosai live by a high code of ethics, and those who break the code are repudiated, and their essence returns to the sea.
Vasdaonsae (grandfather of the sea) comes from the Fremdosai. He is the leader of all the Fremdesae, and can link to all male Fremdesae, can communicate via the paths they create in their minds, and even take over the minds of all in times of peril.
Like the original fremdasae, Mearganta, fremdesai (Fremdesae women) tend to be very beautiful, but very foolish and innocent until they are subdued by their mate and have their first child. Because of this, the guardian of the sea made it so fremdosai could tether these foolish, innocent ones to their backs when need be. The fremdasai also have a song that lures any but Fremdesae men, causing the men of other races to become very aroused.

Descended from the Fremde, this race can turn into great birds when they will it. They have been given the power of air, and are great thinkers and seers. Wydaonmyr (grandmother of the sky) comes from the Fremdemyr.

Descended from the Fremde, they are a matriarchal race of strong women, gifted with the power of fire. The few men born to them generally become Sotarafahni (genies). Wysdaefu (Mother of all), comes from the women of the Fremdefyr. It is normally Wicahndon'n (The Empress of the Sands).

Sotarafahni are all male, the counterparts to the women of the Fremdefyr. They are shorter in stature however. They can turn into bright colored dust balls and float where they will. They are a mischievous race and are laughingly known as 'brats of the sands'.

Race of magical beings upon Middengard, they are the one race that depends on staffs and wands to do magic. Some are descendants of the races of the Fremde mating with Munde. However, others are descendants of the Munde themselves, as magic was returned to the descendants of Munde who lived well.

The only race of non-magical beings upon Middengard. Munde are the shortest of all the races. They are a stocky built race, their bodies seemingly built for hard work. Munde men are physically quite strong. They came from the void the guardians created to save Middengard.

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